Thursday, February 25, 2010

conductor of the crazy train

i know that i am not the only person in the world that suffers from irrational fears and weird quirks. Some of my "fears" are slightly ridiculous and when i hear myself say them out loud i think "damn that sounds crazy" but i just cant help myself... so i thought i would share some of my "fears" and quirks so maybe you wont feel like youre on the crazy train alone... there is a good chance i am the conductor LOL I was hanging out with a friend and sharing some of my weird quirks/fears and he looked at me like i was crazy so i thought i would share to see if i really am crazy or just eccentric =)

*I have to wear a hood on any amusement park rides because im scared the person before me has head lice and theyll give it to me.

*I dont like my food to touch when there are different sauces or flavors can be transferred macaroni and mashed potatoes must be in separate bowls.

*I think that most white guys that are "average" could potentially be a serial killer

*If your 2nd toes is longer then your big toes you should never wear open toed shoes

*I dont like to cuddle, please stay on your own side. I dont want you sweating all over me ewwwww!

*I wont stop at the gas station if its on the opposite side of the street

*when i buy clothes i always ask if they have my size in the back because i dont know what dirty person has tried it on before me

*I am terrified of getting any kind STD so making out with a stranger or going home with a guy from the bar is a big NO NO!

*I dont like strangers to touch me or hug me because they might have the swine flu

*I wont try on hats in stores again because of the lice

*Im terrified of squirrels because i think they all have rabies and theyre going to bite me and im going to die

*I hate my huge boobs because i think they make me look fatter then i really am

*Im scared to be alone in my house because i have a ghost but i only like scary movies

*I ask all my friends to not have public pics of my kid on their profile because i think the internet is just full of pedophiles that want to kidnap my kid

*i dont like having pictures of me in front of my house because i might have a stalker and they might come to my house and kill me.

*I have to make my bed before i can go to sleep

*my closet is color coded

*i cant fall asleep with my feet sticking out of the blankets

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