Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Week 2

So week 2 was much more trying then week 1. I think Shmevor is tired of me bargaining for just one bite or one piece of something that im not supposed to be eating. This weeks trials and tribulations:
1) The tacklers birthday party
2) Family get together in Palm Springs

One of my Skonkas invited me to her kids birthday party. Heres a little note about Shmezlie… she LOVES Wingstop! Naturally the menu for the birthday party Pizza and Wingstop! FML Before going to the party and torturing myself I ate my delicious 4oz of meat and veggies so I would be full and wouldn’t want to eat all her delicious Fatty McFatfat food. I walk into her place only to see 20 boxes of pizza and trays of wingstop! A green salad and fruit salad. As my kid and Shmevor devour their pizza and wingstop I sat at the table and quietly ate my grapes and strawberries. The real food smelled so good I wanted to lick the pizza of their faces. I know so disgusting but after 2 weeks of no carbs and no sugar I’d eat a twinkie out a NY dumpster. Clearly the trip to skinnydom is not going to be a pleasant trip. I made it through the party unscathed until there was cake! Oh Torrance bakery why are you so delicious! As baldy as I wanted a piece of cake I kept passing it on until I got to my kids piece. Some frosting found its way to my finger, before anyone could give me a napkin I had my finger in my mouth like a teething baby. Even though the taste was only there for a few seconds I would gladly have gained 3 lbs for one slice of cake.
And the week goes on…..

Off to Palm Springs we went… Me Shemvor and the kid, don’t forget my super fancy shmancy diet! So I packed up the usual traveling things plus a cooler of food! Yes I have turned into one of those people that bring my own food when I go places! Ughhhhh how annoying. I am now convinced that everyone liked me as the funny fat chick and so they have secretly been keeping me fat… ok I don’t really believe that but I sont really want to blame myself for turning into “Big Bertha”. So we went to Palm Springs to paint my Aunts living room as a gift. Next year im just buying her something. After 10 hours of painting it was dinner time. I had cooked my 4 oz of meat and veggies while everyone else was going to enoy some nice warm cheesy pizza. Really? What jerks! So I broke I had pizza just 2 slices… pepperoni and pineapple. I figured that was my meat and veggies/fruit for my meal. I tried I turned down the meatlovers pizza! It was soooooooooo worth it. The next morning I woke not feeling guilty for taking a day off but I was surprisingly anxious to get back on my diet. Week 2 survived with a few bumps in the road all and all I still list weight . Screw you baby weight!

Weigh loss week 2: 6lbs
Total Weight: 13 lbs
Weight: 197

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